20 Celebrities Who Ruined Their Own Lives

20 Celebrities who ruined their own lives

It’s actually common for some celebrities to get into trouble. We see news stories about them all over the internet. Sometimes it’s just small arguments or misunderstandings, but other times it’s serious.

These mistakes could ruin their careers really quickly. Not many of them have been able to recover from it. Most just disappear from public view, and go into isolation.

While others will try to work their way back to the top. However, we’re going to take a look at 20 celebrities who not only ruined their lives but made people lose their respect for them because of what they did.

1. Jennifer Grey 

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First on our list is Jennifer Grey who didn’t like her big nose because of her school days and early acting. When Dirty Dancing became popular, she got a nose job with her earnings. But Hollywood didn’t like her new look. They thought she wasn’t special anymore and didn’t give her big roles. She kept acting, but she never became a top actress.

2. Kevin Spacey

Kevin Spacey won two Oscars and became famous as Frank Underwood on Netflix. But his career was weaker than it seemed. It all fell apart in 2017 when Anthony Rapp leveled serious allegations against him. After that, more people came forward with similar stories. Netflix fired Spacey, and Ridley Scott had to redo his scenes in a movie. Even though Spacey was cleared of the charges in court, most people still have a bad opinion of him. Spacey wants to come back to acting, but it’s unlikely he’ll ever be as popular as before.

3. Gina Carano

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Gina Carano’s career was so promising. She was a big part of one of the most loved Star Wars shows. Also, people liked her because she was a genuinely tough character. But then, suddenly, she had to ruin it all by posting dumb stuff on Twitter.

4. Paula Deen


Before her racism scandal, Paula Deen was a favorite host on the Food Network for years. But when people learned she made racist remarks and used the “N-word,” they stopped supporting her. She admitted to it, saying they were jokes, but it was a bad move. Now, she’s nowhere to be seen on TV. Networks canceled her shows, and stores stopped selling her products. We don’t know what she’s up to now, but maybe she regrets her actions.

5. Jessie Smollett


Hate crimes are a big problem. When someone fakes such a horrible crime, it takes away attention from real victims. Faking a crime like this is never okay, but it’s confusing to understand why Jussie Smollett did it. He was famous for his role in Empire. People were sad when they heard he was attacked, but then it came out that he planned it and paid two guys to do it. He did it because he wasn’t happy with how much money he was making. Sadly, he wasn’t in the last season of Empire because he was dealing with legal problems.

6. CeeLo Green


CeeLo Green has had some attention-grabbing moments in his career, like when he dressed as a golden idol. But in 2014, he messed up by saying awful things about rape. His show The Good Life got canceled, and he lost a bunch of concerts because of it. People all over the world were mad at him. He also quit being a judge on “The Voice.” To add to his troubles, back in 2012, he was accused of sexual battery and giving someone drugs. The battery charge didn’t stick, but he got three years of probation for the drug charge.

7. Amber Heard


One of the biggest stories in 2022 was Amber Heard and Johnny Depp’s divorce. People were glued to the court drama, analyzing every detail and making memes about it. Heard was married to Depp for two years. She accused him of domestic violence in their marriage. Depp then sued her for saying things that damaged his reputation. Heard also sued him back the next year. At first, things seemed to be going well for Heard. She had support from feminists and many fans. But everything changed when a photo of her poop on Depp’s bed came out. No excuses could save her after that. In the end, she was found guilty on all counts and had to pay $10 million in compensatory damages and $5 million in punitive damages, but that was reduced to $350,000 under Virginia law. 

8. Bill Cosby 


Bill Cosby, once seen as America’s favorite grandfather, didn’t have such a clean record in real life. He became famous for his role on The Cosby Show, and many loved him. But behind his friendly image was something disturbing. He faced accusations of sexual assault and rape, which tarnished his reputation forever. It’s unlikely he’ll ever recover from these allegations.

9. Danny Masterson


Danny Masterson was famous for his role as Steven Hyde on That ’70s Show during the late 90s and early 2000s. Although he didn’t reach the same level of fame with other roles, he still had steady work in shows like Men at Work and The Ranch. However, his career took a nosedive when multiple women accused him of assault. After 2018, he didn’t get any new acting jobs, but he stayed in the news due to his court appearances. In 2023, Masterson was sentenced to 30 years to life in prison. If he gets parole after 25.5 years, he’ll be around 72 when released. Many fans were shocked by this, but the evidence against Masterson might have been obvious all along.

10. Amanda Bynes

Amanda Bynes

Amanda Bynes was known for partying, but it all got worse on April 4th, 2012, when she was arrested for driving drunk and hitting a police car. She also had a few hit-and-run incidents that year and thought it was okay to drive with a suspended license. Amanda even said she was quitting acting that year because she was tired of the attention. But just because she didn’t want to be famous didn’t mean people forgot about her. If she gets in trouble again, we’ll probably hear about it. In 2014, she got arrested for DUI again and ended up in a hospital, and it seemed like her career was over.

11. Charlie Sheen 

Charlie Sheen 

Charlie Sheen was the highest-paid actor, earning nearly $2 million for each episode of Two and a Half Men. But his problems off-camera soon ruined his career. Despite the show’s success, Sheen complained about not getting paid enough. He also had legal issues and didn’t get better after going to rehab multiple times. Warner Bros. had enough and replaced him with Ashton Kutcher. Sheen starred in Anger Management afterward, but he’s now better known for his strange interviews. It’s a shame he couldn’t make money from the “winning” memes he inspired.

12. Katie Holmes

Katie Holmes

In Hollywood, there are many sad stories and disappointments. One is actually that of Katie Holmes whose career was over before it even started. What mistake did she make? Getting married to Tom Cruise.

13. Armie Hammer

Armie Hammer

The star of Call Me By Your Name, career is in serious trouble because of shocking allegations. There’s a disturbing rumor about his family being involved in cannibalism, and he’s also accused of violent sexual acts. On top of that, there are claims that he has problems with drugs and alcohol, and the LAPD is looking into it. He says he didn’t do any of it, but his reputation is already ruined.

14. Micheal Richards

Micheal Richards

 After his show The Michael Richards Show failed, he disappeared for almost six years. When he came back, it wasn’t a successful return. Instead, it was a disaster for his career. He got into big trouble when a video of him making racist comments on stage went viral. Instead of apologizing to the people he offended, he tried to apologize to famous leaders like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. But it didn’t work out well. Since then, he’s struggled to get many roles. One role he did get was playing himself in a story on “Curb Your Enthusiasm.”

15. J.K Rowling

 J.K Rowling

J.K. Rowling, the author of Harry Potter, has faced criticism for saying hurtful things about transgender people more than once. Even though this might not hurt her finances much, her future books might not do as well because of her views.

16. Faye Dunaway

Faye Dunaway

Faye Dunaway, known for her roles in Bonnie and Clyde, Chinatown, and Network, could have been a Hollywood star. But her career took a hit in the late ’70s because of her bad behavior on set. She got labeled as ‘difficult,’ and her career as a lead actress ended. After that, she only made guest appearances on TV. It’s a sad fall from grace for someone who was once so famous.

17. Chris Brown 

Chris Brown 

Chris Brown was seen as a rising star in R&B music until he was convicted of a serious assault charge. He violently attacked his girlfriend, singer Rihanna, at a party in 2009. After this, a lot of his fans stopped supporting him and listening to his music.

18. Lea Michele

Lea Michele

Viewers who loved the TV series Glee were shocked to find out that Lea Michele, who played a nice character on screen, was actually a bully behind the scenes. This wasn’t the only time she was accused of being mean to her colleagues. There were also claims that she made hurtful comments about black people. After these allegations came out, Michele hasn’t been cast as the main star in any new projects.

19. Aaron Hernandez

Aaron Hernandez

Aaron Hernandez could have been living a fantastic life with lots of money and a Super Bowl ring, playing as a tight end for the New England Patriots. But after two great years in the NFL, he got arrested in 2013 for being involved in the murder of Odin Lloyd. He was charged with first-degree murder and ended up in jail close to the Patriots’ stadium. Imagine how he must have felt going to prison on game days! He was also accused of another double murder but was found not guilty. Sadly, he took his own life on April 19th, 2017.

20. Lindsay Lohan

Lindsay Lohan

Lindsay Lohan became famous, especially after starring in the remake of Parent Trap. She went on to lead roles in popular movies like Mean Girls and Freaky Friday. But her fame didn’t stick around. In the late 2000s, she struggled with drugs and alcohol, even going to rehab. Unfortunately, she couldn’t stay away from her addictions for long. Things got worse when she was accused of drunk driving and hit-and-run incidents. Nowadays, she’s hardly seen on TV anymore.

Sometimes people mess up, even celebrities too.  Some of them make big mistakes that hurt how people see them. They could say sorry and fix it, but others can’t bounce back.

The truth is that everyone makes mistakes, but when you’re famous, your mistakes can ruin everything.

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